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Andrew Barns - Expanding Womens Sexuality Retreat

  • Helios Centrum Heerde Badhuisweg 3 8181 RA Heerde (map)

Are you ready to meet your current evolutionary edge and transform that which has been holding you back from what you deeply desire to birth into your life?

Are you ready to experience greater fulfilment in your career, relationships, and sexuality?

To access our sexual energy as a fuel for living, we need to become present-time focused in our bodies and in our sexuality. Most of us are past time focused, using our past experiences as a way to relate to our sexual experiences now.

When we become present-time focused, it becomes possible to use our sexual energy and our bodies as a spiritual platform for accessing higher levels of consciousness, and to create bliss states for healing our body.

Our natural state of being is one of bliss, joy, love, power and expansion. But our personal histories, and life experiences often get in the way of this and lower our vibration. Each of us resists this natural state of bliss at some level by protecting ourselves from being hurt. These defensives take the form of energetic, emotional, and physical armouring.

Join us in co creating the new paradigm of relationships and sexuality.

  • Opening the Tantric energy pathways to support heightened states of orgasmic bliss.
  • Exploring sexual energy as a transformational current to support the clearing of the emotional body.
  • Learn about the primary and secondary sexual systems of men and women and how this can be used to open the body.
  • Experience the Cacao Orgastic Breath Dance Meditation.
  • Learn keys to cultivate your inner life force and use your sexual energy as a fuel for living.
  • Use your sexual energy to create bliss states in the body for healing.
  • Use your sexual energy to access higher levels of consciousness and to active the higher level chakra's and glands in the body.
  • Discover the healing and expanded orgasmic energy of the yoni, cervix and uterus.
  • Feel and purify stagnant energy that has been withholding the free flow of your creative life force energy.
  • Explore finding solutions to relationship issues through using the Relationship Map.
  • Sananga Ceremony to active the pineal gland. Click to read more.

You will experience how to embody Tantric energy practices that will cultivate energy flow in your body, and support you to open the Tantric energy pathways and awaken higher levels of consciousness.

In this retreat you will get the chance to move beyond the confines of your egoic self and tap into your higher evolutionary creative potential supporting you to realise a higher creative potential in relationships, love, creativity, vocation, and sexuality.

By reconnecting to your felt senses, you will experience greater intuition and flow in your day-to-day experiences, as well as greater depth in your sexuality and relationships. You have an opportunity for the direct experience of transforming your relationships and capacity for bliss states in the entire body. This becomes a gateway for discovery of what you want in life as a whole.

During this retreat for women we will explore Tantric sensual and sexual breath practices, orgastic breath dance meditation, Tantric body de-armouring (including yoni, cervix, and uterus de-armouring), and raising our vibrational frequency through giving and receiving Tantric Full Body Energy Orgasm sessions.

It is conscious awareness and acceptance of our whole self – and the freedom to communicate our truth – that empowers us to create the life we long to live. This highly experiential, fun, intense and expansive retreat is for women seeking to expand their personal freedom and enhance their pleasure in being.

Practitioners in the Health and wellbeing fields wanting to gain new skills are also welcome.

Note: At the beginning of our retreat, we will establish guidelines and boundaries so that every participant feels fully honoured and supported in moving only as fast and as far as their sense of safety permits. No one is required to do anything they do not want to do, and we will create a social group without peer group pressure, so each person decides their level of involvement.

The videos below shows some of what you will be exploring, and the talk below will give you an idea of some of the topics will be discussed during the women’s retreat.

“If we know sexuality as an intuitive meditation, it transforms into a gateway, opening to a deeper level of energetic experience, and an expansion of consciousness. With this, a knowing of deep love for self and others that transcends personal relations returns, becoming a reunion back to the ultimate source of creation, and a realisation that we are one”. Andrew Barnes 2009.

When: 22-27 may 2018 (5,5 days)

Where: Helios centre Heerde : Click here

Costs: € 1100,- incl. food and accommodation.

Early bird: booked before 1 st of april € 900,-

If you need more info:



call:  Corine Lavrijssen (0031-616783844)

Testimonials of orgastic womens wisdom and expanding womens sexuality:

♥Superb retreat. Andrew is amazingly generous, insightful, sensitive and knowledgeable. He leads a profoundly transformative workshop like a master. I feel I have discovered my body at a totally new degree of intimacy. That I have broken free from heavy conditioning repressing my sexuality. I have healed trauma and discovered being happy in my body. Being with the group of women has been a discovery of loving sisterhood. The assistant team was so precise and present. The place and the food are fabulous. You have to do this retreat sister. I wouldn't miss it. Audrey 2017

♥In april 2016 ben ik naar de  Orgastic Wisdom & High Vibrational Womans Retreat  van Andrew gegaan, nadat ik van een dierbare vriendin positieve verhalen had gehoord over haar eigen ervaring. Het was een 'spur of the moment' beslissing, twee dagen voor de retraite begon. Gelukkig was er nog een plekje! Voor mij was het op voorhand geen issue dat een man een vrouwenretraite geeft en dit is zo gebleven. Juist door Andrew's heldere volwassen mannelijke aanwezigheid werd mijn volwassen vrouwelijke kant uitgenodigd zichzelf te laten zien. Hij bood een veilige bedding  en gaf tevens het voorbeeld hoe ik als vrouw mijn eigen mannelijke kant kan gebruiken om mijn vrouwelijke sensualileit en seksualiteit te ervaren. Het begrip de volwassen man/vrouw komt van Andrews relatiemap. Dit is een inzichtelijk en praktisch communicatie en persoonlijkheidsmodel. Het geeft mij handvatten in het dagelijksleven om autenthiek en liefdevol te zijn in relatie naar anderen en naar mezelf. Het was een helende reis voor me. Ik werd me bewust van(vroeg)kinderlijke negatieve seksuele inprints en kon deze transformeren door ontlading en liefdevolle aanwezigheid in mezelf en met anderen. Wat een cadeau! Voor mij lag daar ook de kracht van deze retraite. Het herhaaldelijk ervaren dat ik een volledige eenheid ben. Dat ik niet iets buiten mezelf nodig heb om sensueel en seksueel te zijn. Wat een bevrijding! Hoe versterkend in mijn proces naar volledige autonomie. Miroya

♥ My personal experience with Andrew Barnes, I was very deep touched, the way he manage that day by day, how he makes the exercises, the way he talks is so soft and made me trust, he builts up a save space that I could be naked from my heart, and discover that  intimacy, pleasure,  contact with my body, love and communication are so import in my daily life. Belinda

♥ This retreat has been a total transformational experience for me as woman and human being. A real game changer!! I can highly recommend this for any woman who longs to establish or deepen her relationship to her most inner sacred feminine essence, and her relating with others and the world. Words can not convey the deep effect and resonance that this powerful work have brought into my life. Something that I am deeply grateful for, knowing that the work and input of the retreat have altered my consciousness, opened my yoni and heart, my being to meet Life in raw intimacy. Andrew created with all of us women a beautiful healing, open space to explore and dive into the body, mind and emotions to transmute ourselves to a higher frequency. It is wonderful to de-armour together in the supportive circle of like minded, gorgeous women! Come to this retreat! Be ready for transformation and shifts in your life! Give yourself permission to embody your feminine radiance, no matter what your history is. Thank you Andrew and Corine for your presence and love.  Sitie Djarkasi

♥ Two days after my crazy woman's wisdom Andrew Barnes  retreat. It was heart, mind & yoniblowing. Everything with respect and safety. Wow what an integrity. With all the 12 woman (Goddesssssss) and one man. Further on in Dutch...
Een vrouwengroep in handen van een man? Volgens onze conditionering bijna niet mogelijk. En toch wat was het meer dan passend. Wat is deze Andrew in staat om een veilige basis te creëren, vanuit zijn liefdevolle human being hart. Om te blijven staan, zonder zich staande te moeten houden. Om op elk moment in puur contact te zijn met zichzelf en daardoor met ons, vrouwen. En werkelijk werkelijk alles mocht er zijn. Chapeau!
Me wederom bewust geworden wat de kracht van alles uiten is. Release, no matter what.
Een rollercoaster, life-changing retreat. Van kindstukken naar volwassenheid. Grenzen verkennen en verleggen, vanuit zacht- en speelsheid. Ik heb mijn vrouwzijn ten volste mogen eren, voelen, ervaren en dansen. Every cel in our body is made for pleasure, yes oh yes I agree!
Prachtige intens diepe processen mogen aangaan in alle openheid en vertrouwen. Body de-armouring mogen toepassen en ervaren. Gedragen door de hele groep, wat een verrukkelijke bedding. Helderheid krijgen in hoe we als man en vrouw met elkaar omgaan en mogen gaan. Dat we niet eens zoveel verschillen. Waanzinnige inzichten verkregen hoe ik als vrouw nu precies in elkaar zit en van een boel dingen werkelijk geen weet had. Me beseffend dat, als ik dat niet weet, hoe kan een man dan snappen hoe ik in elkaar steek......
Nog meer respect gekregen voor mannen. Hoe het zit met hun conditionering van oudsher en met die van ons als vrouwen.
Gedanst, gelachen, gehuild, geschreeuwd, gebruld, stil, uitbundig, ontroerd, liefdevol geweest en me in volledige vrijheid overgegeven. Diepe diepe indruk heeft deze man en retreat op mij gemaakt. Er is rust in mij. Mijn hart is groter dan mijn lichaam. Er zindert levensenergie door me heen. En mijn vertrouwen in mezelf is steviger dan ooit.
Wat voor een berichtgeving ik ook van te voren had ontvangen, ik kan alleen maar zeggen. Do not judge, just open your heart and experience.... Hanneke Wolff

Later Event: July 2